Webinar: We Choose FI/RE

We Choose FI:RE.jpg

We Choose FI/RE is part of the Women's History Month Event Series. Learn about the FI/RE movement and how we - women at different stages in our journeys - are working towards our goals of financial freedom.

Topics include:

  • Why FI/RE can be for everyone - even if you don’t have a high income

  • Strategies to achieve FI/RE as an end goal

  • How to approach your FI/RE journey in a high cost of living area

  • Strategies to increase your earning power to accelerate your FI/RE progress

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The hosts


Ashley Feinstein Gerstley is an author, entrepreneur and feminist who is on a mission to end inequality through financial well-being. She is the creator of the 30-Day Money Cleanse program, which has helped thousands of women cultivate harmonious relationships with money and achieve their financial goals. As a trusted money expert, she has been featured by Forbes, NBC, Glamour and the New York Times, among others.


Cinneah El-Amin is the creator of Flynanced, a debt free travel & financial freedom digital platform where she shares how to travel and build wealth. After years of struggling with overspending, Cinneah took control of her finances and became debt free in 2020. Cinneah has taught hundreds of people how to travel for the low in her signature course, Fly Financially Free.

The Speakers


Anmol Das aka “moneymolz” is a personal finance enthusiast who is starting her FI/RE journey in the city of Chicago. As a newbie, Anmol’s instagram platform explains financial concepts ranging from managing money in a HCOL to investing in tax-advantaged accounts, and has the numbers to support. Being surrounded by people with various backgrounds, Anmol emphasizes the fact that anyone can be a millionaire — it’s all about making the best financial decisions and being cognizant of your money!


Millennial Money Honey is the platform where Catie shares her adventure to early retirement at 35. By sharing her journey, she hopes to inspire others to achieve financial independence, pursue their passions, and stop the shame when talking about money.


Evelyn Barrios is a high school life science teacher and creator of Maestra on FIRE. When she is not teaching students about science she is educating others about FIRE through her own journey. Throughout her FIRE journey she has been able to pay off over $16,000 of debt over a 10 month period all the while investing. Even though Evelyn is going through a debt pay off journey she is on track to reach fire by 47.


Kiersten Saunders is co-founder of the award-winning blog rich & REGULAR with her husband Julien, and producer of the original YouTube series, Money on the Table which blends their passion for food with conversations about money. Together, they paid off $200,000 in debt and their story has been featured in The NY Times, Forbes, CBS This Morning, Marketwatch and more. Her personal mission is to inspire other women of color to use money as a tool to improve their quality of life.


Mahi is a physician turned Investing Coach who founded 'Black Womxn Are Wealthy', an organization dedicated to increasing accessibility to investing education and financial independence.