Family Finances

Normalizing Financial Blunders with Financial Fail Fridays

Normalizing Financial Blunders with Financial Fail Fridays

At the Fiscal Femme we believe that financial mistakes or missteps are all part of the process of getting better with money. Why? We’re not born knowing ‘how to money’ 🤑 and very few of us learn money skills until well into adulthood.

At the same time, whether we’re budgeting, investing or making a plan to pay down debt, it’s much better to get started than to wait until we know everything. Enter #FinancialFailFridays.

The Fiscal Femme Venmo Etiquette Survey

The Fiscal Femme Venmo Etiquette Survey

It’s easier than ever to split a meal or a vacation with a friend using apps like Venmo and Zelle. But with that ease comes a whole new microcosm of navigating money with friends and colleagues.

What’s worth requesting? When is it time to follow-up when a friend doesn’t pay you? We asked the Fiscal Femme community to share their cash app etiquette so we could learn from each other! 💵📱

Love and Money Etiquette

Love and Money Etiquette

Dating and money etiquette, financial red and green flags, and more.

Dating and early relationships can be stressful. Then add in money and it gets even more complicated.

Not only is dating expensive (hello inflation!), it can also be confusing. I always had questions like… Who should pay? Do we split? When should we talk about money? How do we split expenses? Is that a financial red flag? What are my financial green flags?

Why You Need a Dream Team 

Why You Need a Dream Team 

For many of us, money is a taboo topic that we don’t even talk about with our closest friends and family. This might not seem like a big deal, but it has some major repercussions. One is that it makes it a lot more difficult to reach our goals.

When the people who love us the most don’t know about our goals, they can’t support us. They might even unknowingly sabotage us!

Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey 2022 - Part #2

Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey 2022 - Part #2

And we’re back with part #2 of the results from the Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey. If you missed it, here’s part #1. This time we’re talking about your systems and accounts.

While many of you shared your favorite apps (I’ll give you a rundown below), a great deal of you were also looking for recommendations. Stay tuned!

How To Talk Money With Your Honey

How To Talk Money With Your Honey

Aiming to better understand your partner’s money habits and his or her financial situation now will make you happier and certainly make managing money together much easier in the future. According to TD Bank’s Love + Money Survey, 90% of happy couples discuss finances once a month.

This isn’t an easy conversation to have for many reasons, but it’s well worth it. Here’s how to ease into the money talk with your partner without the shame and embarrassment so many of us fear.

Want to Take a Bucket List Trip? Here’s How I’m Planning for Mine.

Want to Take a Bucket List Trip? Here’s How I’m Planning for Mine.

New research from Affirm shows that Americans’ top goal for 2022 is to take a vacation. And it makes sense. So many of us are overdue - way overdue - myself included.

Of those who plan to travel, 80% agree that this will be the year they splurge on a bucket list vacation, but once in a lifetime vacations require money and time to plan. And with inflation, the cost of that bucket list trip has most likely gone up. Affirm found that 66% of Americans are worried that inflation will impact their 2022 goals, but that doesn’t have to be you!

Diversifying Your Income on Your FI/RE Journey

Diversifying Your Income on Your FI/RE Journey

As part of our Women’s History Month series, Cinneah (the founder of Flynanced) and I co-hosted a series of incredible roundtable discussions with some of our favorite women in the personal finance space with the goal of fostering rich intersectional conversations around money.

We asked Kiersten Saunders, co-founder of the award-winning blog rich & REGULAR, about the first part of the FI/RE equation - our income. Here’s what she had to share.

How to Actually Stick With Your 2022 Money Goals

How to Actually Stick With Your 2022 Money Goals

New Year, fresh start. It’s a time when many of us make new and exciting goals, including goals around our money. Yet, even with the best of intentions, as the month of January rolls on, many abandon their goals.

Study after study shows that most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January or early February. That’s not what we want!