Your Favorite Newsletters

What we allow into our inboxes (and actually read) each morning or week matters. These emails can set the tone for our day, educate us, inspire us and teach us important things. That’s why I’m so grateful and excited that you choose to read the Money Musing and better your financial well-being each week. 🤗 I asked you what newsletters you read on a regular basis:


Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all in a 5-minute read.

The Morning brew

The latest business news in a fun and accessible tone each morning. 


News, recommendations, and conversations in under 5 minutes.

Here are the newsletters I read each weekday: 

Anti-Racism Daily

A daily lesson with news, actions and education to end racism in your community, office or university.

The Broadsheet

An amazing feminist newsletter about the latest happenings of the world’s most powerful women.  

The Morning Brew

The latest business news in a fun and accessible tone each morning.