Switch to an Ethical and Socially Responsible Bank

Switch to an Ethical and Socially Responsible Bank

How and why to switch to an ethical, green, and socially responsible bank.

At the Fiscal Femme, we’re all about aligning our spending and investing with our values. Every time we make a spending decision, we’re voting with our values. In an ideal world, we should be able to look at our recent spending and have a good idea of what’s important to us.

Preparing for a Mortgage

Preparing for a Mortgage

I had read countless articles about the mortgage process and worked with many clients as they purchased their first and second homes, but as with most things, going through the process yourself is a whole different story.

I had an idea of what to expect but there are many things I would have done differently to make our lives easier and the process less stressful. We learned a lot along the way, and I’m excited to share those lessons with you. Here’s what we wished we knew before embarking on the mortgage process.

6 Steps to Negotiating the Salary You Deserve

6 Steps to Negotiating the Salary You Deserve

The idea of negotiating the salary we deserve is fraught with setbacks. There’s the discomfort with negotiating in general. It’s hard enough to talk about money, but having to ask for more money from our boss or manager can take us over the edge.

Women tend to fear the repercussions of these conversations more than men. Will this hurt my career at the company? Will they view me as greedy or pushy?

3 Non-Serving Money Habits Entrepreneurs Need to Break

3 Non-Serving Money Habits Entrepreneurs Need to Break

Habits are behaviors we repeat, and over time they have a tremendous impact. Our money habits are important for both our personal and business lives but as entrepreneurs our money habits often keep us from achieving our financial goals.

When we earn a salary, we can get away with some less-than-ideal money habits, but as entrepreneurs they really come back to smack us in the face.

A Financial Guide to Getting Through a Pandemic: A Money Expert Shares

A Financial Guide to Getting Through a Pandemic: A Money Expert Shares

Here are a few top tips to help all of us financially get through COVID-19 and answer one very important question — what should we be doing now to protect ourselves and our communities during this crisis? 

How to Set your Rates as a Freelancer

How to Set your Rates as a Freelancer

I was saddened but not surprised to see survey results that showed that female creative freelancers are charging 47% less than their male counterparts. The same survey showed that women were two times more likely to charge by the hour (instead of by project) and three times more likely to have a public rate sheet. Two things that result in earning 42% and 15% less, respectively.

Understanding Your Credit Score (and How to Increase It)

Understanding Your Credit Score (and How to Increase It)

Over the years I’ve noticed that many people use their credit scores as a proxy for their financial health. It’s something tangible that we can see go up or down and the higher it is, the easier it is to get a new credit card, take out a mortgage, and even get a new job. 

With something as nebulous as our finances, it can be really nice to have a report card. People actually ask me all the time: “if I were to have a grade in my finances, what would it be?” We want to know if we are getting an ‘A’ in our personal finances or just squeaking by.