Freelance Finance
Dealing with our finances is hard enough when we have a steady W-2 salary. When you add the complexities of variable income and managing business expenses, it becomes even more difficult.
More and more of us are going to experience working as a freelancer at some point in our careers. It’s predicted that freelancers are going to be the workforce majority within the next decade.
The good news is that there are some very doable - yet extremely impactful - things you can do to set yourself up for financial success as a freelancer or entrepreneur.
And we’re back with part #2 of the results from the Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey. If you missed it, here’s part #1. This time we’re talking about your systems and accounts.
While many of you shared your favorite apps (I’ll give you a rundown below), a great deal of you were also looking for recommendations. Stay tuned!
As part of our Women’s History Month series, Cinneah (the founder of Flynanced) and I co-hosted a series of incredible roundtable discussions with some of our favorite women in the personal finance space with the goal of fostering rich intersectional conversations around money.
We asked Kiersten Saunders, co-founder of the award-winning blog rich & REGULAR, about the first part of the FI/RE equation - our income. Here’s what she had to share.
In theory we all want to earn more money, right? Who doesn’t? But sometimes we have deep seated beliefs about money that keep us from doing so.
If we grew up being told that having money is greedy or we saw people gain wealth and become selfish, it makes sense we wouldn’t want to have much of it. Who wants to be greedy or selfish?
As part of our Women’s History Month series, Cinneah (the founder of Flynanced) and I co-hosted a series of incredible roundtable discussions with some of our favorite women in the personal finance space with the goal of fostering rich intersectional conversations around money.
We asked Vanessa about tips for paying for our next big adventure. Here’s what she had to share.
When I wrote The 30-Day Money Cleanse, I didn’t share much of my journey along the way because I was completely terrified of becoming an author and having my book out in the world. I wanted you to know about it but I also wanted to hide.
This time, I promise to take you along for the wild ride and to share in the joy and success of this book because I couldn’t do it without you. I’ve compiled all of your book process questions and answered them here. Don’t hesitate to keep them coming. I can always add to this list.
A coach is someone who helps us create goals, overcome setbacks, and break through the barriers holding us back from those goals. They hold us accountable and are our biggest cheerleaders. Every time I’ve hired a coach for a specific goal, I immediately feel excited and more confident that I will actually achieve the goals I set out to accomplish.
A good financial coach is no different. A financial coach should help us get clear on what’s important to us, set goals that are aligned with our values, and then help us get there. They ask good questions. They create a judgment-free zone. They help us keep going when we fail or make mistakes.
Congrats! You are having a baby! As someone who’s self-employed, you not only have the normal parenting fears and questions like “will I ever sleep again?” but also the big question mark around parental leave. How much time can I take? How much time will I need and want? Will my business survive without me? And often the most concerning - how will I afford this?
I get it and so do many others. Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigating parental leave as an entrepreneur or freelancer.
Habits are behaviors we repeat, and over time they have a tremendous impact. Our money habits are important for both our personal and business lives but as entrepreneurs our money habits often keep us from achieving our financial goals.
When we earn a salary, we can get away with some less-than-ideal money habits, but as entrepreneurs they really come back to smack us in the face.
I was saddened but not surprised to see survey results that showed that female creative freelancers are charging 47% less than their male counterparts. The same survey showed that women were two times more likely to charge by the hour (instead of by project) and three times more likely to have a public rate sheet. Two things that result in earning 42% and 15% less, respectively.
Being an entrepreneur has some incredible perks. We get to enjoy freedom and control over our businesses and our lives, and we get to spend our days working on projects we are extremely passionate about.
This tremendous opportunity also comes with it’s challenges. We also have to wear many hats. We’re expected to understand the basics of law, taxes, marketing, operations, AND finance.
While we may hope that the ‘money stuff’ won’t be important if we make it big or that it all will work itself out, having a strong foundation can make or break the success of our business and enable us to grow our business.