Money Musings: A big deal

Money Musings 💭 A big deal

Today is a big day for me. September 1st (today) is the day that the manuscript of my book is due.

Friends, I’ve been working towards this deadline since January.

I’ve been learning (brain explosion and brain hurts amount of learning). I’ve been interviewing people that I can’t even believe I get to interview. I’ve been writing my tush off. I've been re-reading and analyzing my tush off.

And let’s be real, I’ve been stressing and worrying that the book won’t be ready. That it wouldn’t be as good as it needs to be. That I wouldn’t meet this deadline.

But OMG I did it. Cue a HUGE HUGE sigh of relief. Tears of joy. 😭

In some of your questions along the way about my process, you asked how I keep going with a task that is so big. How do I stay motivated? How do you wrap your head around a project like that?

Well first, you all got me through. I thought about you with every chapter and every word. You will plotz (yiddush for be beside yourself) with the information I am going to share with you in this book. It’s life-changing. It’s juicy. And it needs to be out in the world.

The thing that SUCKED but worked really well for me throughout the process was that I sat in all the BLAH emotions instead of pushing them away. During a hard chapter (um.. like one that’s all about insurance) my self-sabotaging voice said: “You’re never going to finish this. This is not going to be good. This is too big of a project.”

And instead of trying to be all positive (which I tend to be!), I just felt it. It was UGH. 😑 It didn’t feel good. But feeling the feels (the bad and the good) helped the feelings to pass and I was able to move on.

There is so much work left to do. There’s editing and graphics and sourcing and then the gigantic project of telling the world about the book, but today I will be celebrating.

​​Thank you for letting me celebrate with you! 🥳



Many use their credit scores as a proxy for their financial well-being. I wouldn’t go that far. Our credit scores reflect how risky lenders think it is to lend us money (i.e. how likely are we to pay them back?). Our score is based on whether or not we’ve made on-time payments, how long we’ve used credit, how much of our available credit we’re using (how maxed out our credit cards are), and how much debt we have overall.

A good credit score can provide us the opportunity to take out debt and give us lower interest rates when we do. It can take time to build a good credit score so it’s helpful to know what your score is and build from there. Many credit card 💳 companies now share your credit score online. You can also use Credit Karma or Credit Sesame for a rundown of where you stand and how to raise your score.



You know I love getting your recommendations. I’ve found so many of the amazing books I’ve read, podcasts I listen to and companies I work with from you. Thank you - I’m so grateful! 🙏 A few weeks ago you shared your favorite podcasts (money and non-money related!).

I compiled the list of them for you here so you can see what other Fiscal Femmes are listening to. If you are in the market for a new podcast, check out the ones on the list. If you have others to add to the list, hit reply and let me know!