Money Musings 💭 Spice up your life AND save money

Money Musings  💭 Spice up your life AND save money

One thing that’s been consistently true during my money journey is that when I do something less frequently (to an extent) it feels like more of a treat. More special, even.

If I dine out 1x per week, I really enjoy it. If I’m dining out all the time, it loses that novelty. Plus, it wreaks havoc on my spending.

Having some fun plans is exciting. Having plans all the time is exhausting.

Money Musings 💭 Was it hard work?

Money Musings 💭 Was it hard work?

When I was on Farnoosh’s So Money podcast most recently (btw - highly recommend it!), we talked about generational wealth.

I define generational wealth as any amount of money that family (or the generations before) provide or have available to support the next generation.

We often think of trust funds and estates, but generational wealth can and often means having college paid for, receiving a gift to purchase your first home or being able to get a family loan to pursue a new business idea.

Money Musings 💭 Psych! Not free money…

Money Musings 💭 Psych! Not free money…

Back when I was in college, you’d see credit card companies set up with tables around campus - "Get a free shirt and some free money!" 📣 🤬

Thankfully, that’s now illegal. BUT many of us didn’t (and still don't) know how credit cards actually worked when we opened our first card.

Credit cards don’t come with a manual. Or at least not one that’s realistic to read!

Money Musings: 💭 The (surprising) riskiest part of investing 😮

Money Musings: 💭 The (surprising) riskiest part of investing 😮

One of the reasons so many of us are scared to start investing is that we believe we could lose all our money (or even some of our money).

And by we I mean me, too. I was very wary of getting started. We work hard for our money, why risk it?

But the cost of not risking it is far too great (hello 👋 again compound interest) and the risk is not actually as risky as we think.

Over the past 30 years, the S&P 500 (which is often used as a proxy for the stock market), has earned an annual return of 8.29% (adjusting for inflation).

Money Musings: 💭 A surprising thing about money goals

Money Musings: 💭 A surprising thing about money goals

Money might seem more like math than art. A dollar is a dollar and a goal often reflects saving up (or investing) a certain number of dollars.

Yet, I’ve found money is far more of an art than a science. And treating it that way can make our lives a lot less stressful.

Most of our financial goals include some unknowns. Maybe we are saving for a trip and we’re not sure how much the flights will be or even which dates we’ll need the money by.

Money Musings: 💭 When being spendy is good 👍

Money Musings: 💭 When being spendy is good 👍

When I first started my money journey I was very unaware of my spending. And as a result, I spent more money than I wanted to on things that weren’t important to me.

As I learned more (and started The Fiscal Femme) I became a lot more frugal. I saw every dollar spent as its opportunity cost for the future. Most of my spending didn’t make the cut.

Over the last 10+ years, my spending and saving tendencies have ebbed and flowed, but if anyone were to ask I was definitely more of a saver than a spender.

Money Musings: 💭 How I’m teaching my kids about money 💰

Money Musings: 💭 How I’m teaching my kids about money 💰

You hear me say this a lot - most of us didn’t learn about money and personal finance growing up. It wasn’t taught in schools and it typically wasn’t something that was okay to talk about - even with close friends and family.

I know this community wants to change that. And I do think things are going to look different for this current generation of kids.

Money Musings: 💭 A spending heyday reset

Money Musings: 💭 A spending heyday reset

It can happen at any time… the spending heyday.

By spending heyday I mean that expenses flow out a little too easily and in higher than usual proportions. And it can be hard to reel in.

First and foremost, heyday is of course relative. I’m sure my spending heyday looks different than Jennifer Anniston’s (no idea why she was the first person to come to mind) and a large part of the population doesn’t even have the financial privilege to have a spending heyday. It’s not an option.

Money Musings: 💭 If you were a fly on the wall…

Money Musings: 💭 If you were a fly on the wall…

If you’ve been receiving the Money Musing newsletter for a while (and maybe even if you haven’t), you know I LOVE money parties. 🥳

I look forward to the end of the month JUST because it means I can have a money party. I know I have a warped sense of fun. Thank you for accepting me anyway.

Money parties are very personal. While there are certain things you’ll want to do each month, quarter, and year (you get a money party checklist in my Financial Adulting book), there is a lot about a money party that’s up to you.