What Does it Really Cost to Buy a Home?

What Does it Really Cost to Buy a Home?

When we are saving up to buy a home, it’s common to focus on the down payment. If we’ve managed to save 20% for the down payment then we’re all set, right? Not quite.

The down payment is typically the largest investment, but there are plenty of other costs that come along with it. And as we save for the purchase of a home, we’ll want to factor in all of those costs so that we're set up for success.

Maximize Your Joy Per Dollar Spent

Maximize Your Joy Per Dollar Spent

Regardless of how much or how little money we have, we only get to use each dollar once. I know… bummer.

Once we realize that, it becomes easier to navigate our spending. We understand that every time we use a dollar, we miss out on the opportunity to use it somewhere else. That’s called opportunity cost.

We deal with opportunity costs all day every day. When I choose a restaurant for dinner, I don’t get to eat at all the other restaurants I didn’t choose. When I say yes to a project, I don’t have the opportunity to use that time for something else.

5 Signs You Need a Money Cleanse

5 Signs You Need a Money Cleanse

Cleanses are a great way to hit reset on certain areas of your life. They help you break bad habits, flush toxins, and set yourself up with a powerful plan for the future. I’ve done technology cleanses, sugar cleanses, and closet cleanses that have had these effects.

A 30-Day Money Cleanse is no different than any other cleanse - except that it hits reset on your money.

Maybe you already know you are in need of a Money Cleanse and are ready to take one one. Maybe you know you could improve your financial habits, but you aren’t quite sure that a Money Cleanse is right for you.

Achieve Your Financial Goals Faster Using Smart Goals

Achieve Your Financial Goals Faster Using Smart Goals

In January, I love to outline my financial goals for the year. Once I know what I want to accomplish for the year, I can then break my goals down by quarter, by month, and by week to help keep me on track. 

Things always change and my goals have to adjust, but this initial mapping out of my goals serves as a guide for my goals for the rest of the year. It’s also really fun and exciting to dream about what I want. 

7 Steps to Simplify Your Banking

7 Steps to Simplify Your Banking

During times of uncertainty, having a clear picture of what’s happening with our money is more important than ever. Why? Many of us are trying to adjust to life with a lower income, our expenses are changing, and we’re reprioritizing our goals to ensure we have enough cash on hand. I’m going to take you through seven steps to simplify your banking, Marie Kondo style. These steps will make your life easier and will also increase your cash on hand. Win-win. 

How to Choose Good Cheap Wine

How to Choose Good Cheap Wine

Good, cheap wine might sound like an oxymoron. We often associate good wine as being more expensive and it certainly can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Ironically, sometimes the more expensive wine isn’t better in quality.

At the Fiscal Femme, we’re all about finding win-win situations where we save money while living better. This can certainly apply to wine. Whether you are looking to enjoy a nice glass of wine, impress friends, or save money, I have you covered. I spoke with sommelier and wine educator, Hillary Zio, who shared her best tips for choosing delicious, good cheap wine.

How do bonds work? 

How do bonds work? 

We hear “stocks and bonds” over and over again when people talk about investing. But what exactly is a bond? How do bonds work? Do we want to be investing in them?

Understanding the basics of bonds and how they work is an important part of becoming a savvy investor so we can make the best decisions for our money.

Here’s the rundown on what a bond is, how they work, and everything else you need to know about bonds.

Our Favorite Festive Holiday Season Frugal Joys

Our Favorite Festive Holiday Season Frugal Joys

We tend to spend more money than usual around the holidays, and this year with inflation it’s going to be even more expensive. If you are feeling stressed about your holiday budget, we have you covered.

The good news? You can add some extra holiday cheer to your life without spending more with frugal joys.

Frugal joys are free or inexpensive things that make us really happy. If you are looking for some festive free or inexpensive treats, here are our favorite holiday frugal joys.