Money Musings 💭 the silver lining of Trump
I’m generally an optimist. I used to be an eternal optimist but the current state of the world is really challenging that. 😭 Despite it all, there’s actually one thing I’m grateful for about this current administration...
We’ve experienced hate, misogyny, backwards policies, and attacks on women and their rights, but this has also galvanized women and ignited a new resurgence of feminism.
Trump has ignited my feminist voice and the voice of so many other women.
I’ve always been a feminist - meaning, I believe in equal rights for all people. I’m not sure why this is controversial. 🤷♀️But really?!
I really thought the world was moving towards equality until Trump became our president. I realized how much women have benefitted from the battles other women have fought during the last 100+ years. Many of us were complacent and didn’t see a real need to keep fighting.
And it’s not just the Trump administration that’s taken us backwards, his popularity and the ensuing events uncovered or helped me see a deep and insidious level of sexism and racism that was already here in our country. It’s absolutely everywhere and it follows me throughout my days.
I see it when I turn on my radio in the morning and hear song after song objectifying women’s bodies. When I wash my hair, I think about how I pay 13% more for my products than a man does - despite the fact that I make less money for the same jobs.
It’s there when I put on my seatbelt and know that seat belts are made for and tested on men so women die in car crashes at a much higher rate. It’s in my work conversations when I’m taken less seriously because I’m a woman (even more so as a mother) and when a family friend calls my business a “little woman business.”
It’s there when I use my credit card, because I know interest rates are 18% higher for women than they are for men with similar risk profiles. It’s in the sea of white men on stage when I’m at a conference, in my choices of books at the library, and even in the statues I see walking around the park.
Sexism is in the foundations of our government, our businesses, our society. The more I learn, the more I see it everywhere. And the more I also understand how white women have benefited from the women’s movement MUCH more than women of color.
I’m grateful to this administration for lighting a feminist fire inside of me. I’m grateful to be fed up and angry because I believe that’s when we make change.
I’m grateful to be having this important conversation with so many incredible women and men. I’m proud to be part of a visible feminist movement - rallying, speaking out, organizing and donating. I feel empowered knowing that so many people are fighting with us.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to help each of you build wealth because I know when more women (and woke men) are wealthy, we’ll see the world change.
Where do you see sexism in your life?
Money Move of the Week
Have a conversation with your dream team about the holidays. One of the keys to a financially stress-free holiday season is having conversations with the people on our dream teams (our closest friends and family ❤️) about what we want the holidays to look like. What’s important to us? What's not? Spend time and money on the things that you value and let go (or say no to ✌️) what you don’t. Some creativity can create win-win situations. For example, my sister and I always give each other the gift of savings 💰 each year. We sit together and make a $50 transfer to each other’s online savings accounts at the same time. I was nervous to bring up the idea to her at first (the woman loves her gifts! 😂), but she was relieved and it’s become a beautiful annual tradition for us.
You Gotta See This
It’s Latina Equal Pay Day. Today, November 20th is how far into the year Latinas have to work to earn the same amount a white, non-hispanic man earned in 2018. Latinas earn $0.53 for every dollar a white man earns - that means they are working almost double for the same wages. 🤬As a major proponent of equality and women getting paid what we’re worth, I hear from my fair share of wage gap deniers. I’ve found that many cases of wage gap denying are due to misinformation or lack of information. Regardless of whether you’re reading this as someone with your own doubts or if you want to get armed with stats to stand up to your sexist uncle during the annual holiday party, I have you covered.