
Retail Therapy: A Money Expert Explains Why We Should Kick The Habit

Retail Therapy: A Money Expert Explains Why We Should Kick The Habit

Okay, yes. For any of us who have purchased something and experienced a quick high, we know that retail therapy can work in the short-term. It can be a distraction or even a nice chance to imagine ourselves wearing or using the item we just purchased. That feels good.

What happens next provokes a vicious cycle. We may experience buyer’s remorse, stress about our new higher credit card balance, or feel deflated and guilty for failing to curb our impulses. We may already be looking for that next thing we want to buy.

Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey 2022

Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey 2022

We’re back with our second installment of the Fiscal Femme Anonymous Money Survey. Why? When I first started my money journey it was really helpful to see how much people were spending on certain things. Not because it was important to compare myself with others or that I should spend my money the same way, but more because it opened my eyes to what was possible and gave me a spending frame of reference.

My Favorite Summer Frugal Joys

My Favorite Summer Frugal Joys

Frugal joys are free or inexpensive things and experiences that make us happy. The best part about them is that we can add more of them to our lives without increasing our expenses. We can also use them to replace more expensive things to reduce our spending (without losing the joy in our lives). 

Summer is my favorite frugal joy season because there are so many options when the weather is warm. Here are some of my favorite frugal joys from this summer. I’d love to hear about yours too! 

Want to Take a Bucket List Trip? Here’s How I’m Planning for Mine.

Want to Take a Bucket List Trip? Here’s How I’m Planning for Mine.

New research from Affirm shows that Americans’ top goal for 2022 is to take a vacation. And it makes sense. So many of us are overdue - way overdue - myself included.

Of those who plan to travel, 80% agree that this will be the year they splurge on a bucket list vacation, but once in a lifetime vacations require money and time to plan. And with inflation, the cost of that bucket list trip has most likely gone up. Affirm found that 66% of Americans are worried that inflation will impact their 2022 goals, but that doesn’t have to be you!

How Travel Inspired My Financial Journey

How Travel Inspired My Financial Journey

As part of our Women’s History Month series, Cinneah (the founder of Flynanced) and I co-hosted a series of incredible roundtable discussions with some of our favorite women in the personal finance space with the goal of fostering rich intersectional conversations around money.

Jateria is a financial coach, travel strategist, and founder of Debt Free Travel Journey. We asked her how travel has inspired her financial journey. Here’s what she had to share. (You can watch the full recording of the roundtable discussion, Creating a Travel Abundant Lifestyle, here).

Diversifying Your Income on Your FI/RE Journey

Diversifying Your Income on Your FI/RE Journey

As part of our Women’s History Month series, Cinneah (the founder of Flynanced) and I co-hosted a series of incredible roundtable discussions with some of our favorite women in the personal finance space with the goal of fostering rich intersectional conversations around money.

We asked Kiersten Saunders, co-founder of the award-winning blog rich & REGULAR, about the first part of the FI/RE equation - our income. Here’s what she had to share.

How to Actually Stick With Your 2022 Money Goals

How to Actually Stick With Your 2022 Money Goals

New Year, fresh start. It’s a time when many of us make new and exciting goals, including goals around our money. Yet, even with the best of intentions, as the month of January rolls on, many abandon their goals.

Study after study shows that most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the end of January or early February. That’s not what we want!

Rewire Your Brain for Wealth

Rewire Your Brain for Wealth

In theory we all want to earn more money, right? Who doesn’t? But sometimes we have deep seated beliefs about money that keep us from doing so.

If we grew up being told that having money is greedy or we saw people gain wealth and become selfish, it makes sense we wouldn’t want to have much of it. Who wants to be greedy or selfish?

The Case for “Back Roads” Traveling

The Case for “Back Roads” Traveling

As part of our Women’s History Month series, Cinneah (the founder of Flynanced) and I co-hosted a series of incredible roundtable discussions with some of our favorite women in the personal finance space with the goal of fostering rich intersectional conversations around money.

Rebecka Zavaleta, is the founder of First Milli, where she educates us on how to invest towards our “First Milli,” and also uses her platform to highlight travelling off the beaten path. Here’s what she had to share.